
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Decentralization in Scripting

Reading Response: Turtles, Termites, and Traffic Jams: Explorations in Massively Parallel Microworlds - Mitchel Resnick

To continue Resnick's idea of decentralized logic in organizations, technologies, scientific models, theories of self and mind, and theories of knowledge, I am continuing this discussion in the realm of software, 3D modeling, and parametrics. In computational modeling and parametrics precedent is typically given to the parent/child relationship---such as inherent in the logic of Catia. Attempting to decentralize this on an overall scale is potentially disastrous in that the egg must follow the chicken in this instance. However when thinking of the decentralization, a good example are the constraints of Catia's sketch parameters. For a more simplistic example: in a parent child relationship a set of points must always precede a line. However, if we were to introduce a decentralization to this logic, the two points wouldn't necessarily be based on a set of cartisian or vector distances from each other as much the points would be the centroids of coincidental circles. This could be further decentralized by randomizing the radii of the circles .

Powercopies with Excel and Rules

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Reading Response: Architectural Geometry - Helmut Pottmann

Although every rarametrics and modeling class tends to begin with a reading about developable surfaces how ever it is not for nothing. Developable surface are still the most efficient means of fabricating more complex designs. When developing parametrics designs this means that utilizing cylindrical shapes, conical shapes, and tangental shapes or any part there of lends itself to a buildable design. Developable surfaces and panelization lends itself to metal fabrication, glass facade, plywood and some plastics. However anything not developable must be CNCed or utilize some of the more experimental fabrication techniques. Although developable and pannelized surfacing doesn't push the limits of digital fabrication it does appeal to the more cost effect side equation.
DP-Unfolding of powercopies

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Spuybroek presents an interesting look at tooling by describing the usage or schema of the operations to be even more important than the tool itself. He goes on to describe how it is this schema that is actual the code in scripting. Through an analysis of Gothic cathedrals, Spuybroek describes how this logic of operational coding translated into form allows a design to become flexible and fit to various sites and conditions. Besides being one of the most clear and insightful analyses of scripting, the light Spuybroek sheds on the variability of an architectural design begins to address one of the conundrums of the field of architecture---namely that it is the last of the design professions holding out on primarily one-off designs in a world of mass production and brand identity. Naturally this is due to the nature of building on a site, and no site being the same, but with the logic of coding it is conceivable that a building could be coded with a catalog of prefab parts or fabrication constraints to adapt to the various conditions of a site. Parametrics also allows for working iteratively in multiplicity quickly as well as the ability to begin to generate fabrication information such as g-code and cut-sheets that update with the design. The danger of all this is that the rule set begins to limit the conceptual intuition of the designer and divination from the rule-set becomes tedious of not impossible within the frame work of the code. Thus it would be easy for designers to negligibly ignore design opportunities "because the code did not allow it".